Senior Class Council

The Senior Class Council strives to keep all seniors informed about all graduation requirements and deadlines. The Senior Class Council fund raises for the Class Gift and provides programming to build community and pride for the graduating year.

Do you know a Senior class member who has demonstrated excellence in academics, an internship experience, a job, student organization, or through service? The Senior Class Council is looking for exceptional Seniors to highlight every month! Nominate yourself or your peers >

Meet the Senior Class Council

Emily Schwartz

President  |  Emily Schwartz

Office Hours:

Dudley Mayard Jr.

Vice President  |  Dudley Mayard Jr.

Rain Bellamy

Secretary  |  Rain Bellamy

Omari Raiford

Treasurer  |  Omari Raiford

Public Relations Chair: VACANT
Logistics Chair: VACANT
External Affairs: VACANT
Internal Affairs: VACANT
Deputy Treasurer: VACANT
Deputy Treasurer: VACANT