The Buzz WE Create

"Diversity Champions exemplify an unyielding commitment to diversity and inclusion throughout their campus communities, across academic programs, and at the highest administrative levels."

"[Diversity] goes beyond race and gender. Understanding that can help to broaden discussions on campus and elsewhere."

"The program also aims to help different groups of students to come together and open up communications and connections with other students, faculty, and staff."

"Power of WE was proposed as a leading collegiate model for engagement across divides at an American Association of Colleges and Universities Conference. It was the only student-led initiative to be featured and was recognized for its ability to be replicated on campuses nationwide."

Shared Space: Is Diversity a Threat?

In the aftermath of the controversial temporary travel ban that unsettled so many, we dared to take a step back and pose a fundamental question the nation seemed to be asking. We assembled a versatile panel composed of national security experts and members of FSU personally impacted by the ban. President Thrasher moderated. The panel offered context for the subsequent roundtable discussions facilitated by students spanning the political spectrum. In true Power of WE fashion, we strategically seated our 200 guests to elicit the most spirited discourse possible. "diversity is a threat…to the status quo. We want to transcend the status quo"