Scholarships and Awards

Angie Cintron Memorial Scholarship

This $1000 scholarship is awarded in memory of Angie Cintron, who attended FSU in 1997 and had an untimely death before she had an opportunity to finish her studies and is being awarded by her family in loving memory of Angie.

Bobby E. Leach Scholarship

On behalf of The Black Student Union, the annual Bobby E. Leach Scholarship has been a continued tradition in which we honor the legacy of Dr. Leach. The recipient of the scholarship is a student who exemplifies the same dedication to excellence and the same selfless persona that Dr. Leach showed during his time at Florida State University.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Distinguished Service Award

The Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Distinguished Service Award was established in 1986 to honor a faculty member, administrator or staff member for their outstanding service in keeping with the principles and ideals of Dr. King. While the award is a tremendous honor, it also carries a $1,000 stipend for the recipient.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Book Stipend

The purpose of the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Book Stipend Award is to assist Florida State University students in completing their education. MLK Book Stipend Awards are available on a competitive basis to both undergraduate and graduate students.

Hispanic/Latinx Distinguished Service Award

The Hispanic/ Latinx Distinguished Service Awards recognize and celebrate a faculty member and a staff member who enhance cultural awareness and increase knowledge of contributions of the Latinx community to our social, political, cultural, and economic history, as well as contemporary contributions to the FSU community.

Rosalina Gonzalez Award

The purpose of the Rosalina Gonzales Award is to encourage and recognize an undergraduate or graduate student for their outstanding contributions to the Florida State University community related to sharing and upholding the principles and ideals of the Latinx culture.