Filipino Student Association

The Filipino Student Association aims to provide opportunities to enhance the understanding of the Philippines’ history and culture for both the Filipino community on campus and those unfamiliar with Filipino heritage.
Through our events, philanthropic efforts, and advocacy, we intend to foster a higher appreciation for diversity and promote greater awareness for Filipino culture to the student body and the greater Tallahassee community.



2023 Executive Board

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Kyle Casiple

Gabbie Doctor

Internal Vice President

Gabbie Doctor

Chaela De Belen

External Vice President

Chaela De Belen

Jasmine Amoyo


Jasmine Amoyo

Izzy Alcantara

Events Coordinator

Izzy Alcantara

Isabella Limbo

Events Coordinator

Isabella Limbo

Alexis Amoyo

Finance Chair

Alexis Amoyo

Camille Pamplona

Senior Advisor

Camille Pamplona

Christelle Bucag

Philanthropy Chair

Christelle Bucag

Micaela Cortez


Micaela Cortez

Peter Failma

Education Chair

Peter Failma

Meg Cabras

Graphics Chair

Meg Cabras