President | Serena Petit
Office Hours:
Mondays: 11 a.m.-3 p.m.
Tuesdays: 12 p.m.-3 p.m.

Vice President | Mahogany Williford
Office Hours:

Treasurer | Tonny Salomon
Office Hours:

Secretary |
Office Hours:
BSU Ambassadors
BSU Ambassadors are responsible for educating local students about the resources and opportunities that are available for Florida residents. They will work alongside the Admissions department and the CARE department to serve as tour guides for underrepresented students.
2 positions
Contact: bsufsuambassadors@gmail.com
C.O.B.O.L. Directors
C.O.B.O.L. Directors are expected to conduct monthly addresses with all registered C.O.B.O.L. organization's leadership to ensure that programming is cohesive and inclusive to involve as many students as possible. The C.O.B.O.L. Directors facilitate the best schedule to ensure that we as an agency are working together.
3 positions
Contact: bsucobol@gmail.com
PR Marketing
PR & Marketing are expected to be skilled in Photoshop, or any multimedia platform that can create professional fliers. They are expected to have a flexible schedule to be able to create quality content. All who apply will be expected to present a portfolio of their work.
2 positions
Contact: bsuprmarketing@gmail.com
Health and Athletics
Health and Athletics are responsible for all sports related events that include but are not limited to: Powder Puff games, COBOL Kickball, and the COBOL Olympics.
1 position
Contact: bsuhealthathletics@gmail.com
Alumni Affairs
Alumni Affairs are responsible for facilitating events for FSU’s homecoming and work alongside the Alumni organizations to create events that will bridge the gap between Alumni and undergraduate students.
2 positions
Contact: bsualumniaffairs@gmail.com
BSU Historians
BSU Historians are responsible for collecting and managing archives, from the past while also documenting the current works of Black FSU. We expect for applicants to have experience with photography.
2 positions
Contact: fsubsuhistorin@gmail.com
Master Coordinators
Master Coordinators are responsible for the production and execution of all Black History Month events in February. This committee will also be responsible for the production of the annual Bobby E. Leach Scholarship Ball as well as various other tasks determined by the cabinet.
2 positions
Contact: fsubsumastercoordinator@gmail.com
Membership is responsible for spearheading all recruitment activities and will oversee all tabling on campus.
2 positions
Contact: membershipbsu@gmail.com
Political Education
Political Education is responsible for facilitating educational programming and promotions of educational enhancement whether in regards to politics, academia, or
relevant controversial issues the community faces.
2 positions
Contact: bsupolitics@gmail.com
Professional Development
Professional Development is responsible for the Seminole Minority Leadership Institute, as well as the annual Leadership Summit in Black History Month. Professional
Development will also assign mentors to incoming students through the BSU PALs Program.
2 positions
Contact: fsubsupd@gmail.com
Socials and Events Coordinators
Socials and Events Coordinators are responsible for executing social events in order to entertain and enlighten the student body. They are in charge of the BSU Pageant, Bridge the Gap Pep Rally and many more significant events.
2 positions
Contact: fsubsusocialandevents@gmail.com
Culture and Influence Directors
Culture and Influence Directors are responsible for the upkeep of social media platforms and updating the executive board on all things for the culture. The directors
will also be expected to engage with students through social media to update the executive board of the climate of students' attitudes with programming.
2 positions
Contact: bsucultureinfluence@gmail.com