INC!TE Magazine

Incite Magazine is the official publication of the Black Student Union. The publication which is run by two designated Editor-In-Chiefs, serves to be the voice and tastemaker for all things Black here on Florida State’s campus. The publication releases two publications a semester that cover a variety of topics including campus life, campus politics, campus arts, campus events, national news, and more.
Students are encouraged to send in submissions and various writing editorials to support the magazine. Although most feature writing is done by the Editor-In-Chiefs, this is a magazine that loves to give new students the chance to show their journalism skills.
Incite Magazine is also your one stop spot for all photos, videos, and student testimonials from all BSU events.

Past Issues of Incite Magazine


Past Issues of Nubian Waves

BSU Videos

FSU BSU Youtube Channel

FSU Black Student Union Recap 2014-2015

2013 BSU Pageant- "The Prequel"

2013 BSU General Body Meeting "Be All You Can Be"